Quitting Opengameart

I decided to quit Opengameart, it was a hard decision, but finally I was fed up with it.

This is also kind of a little follow up to my blog post "The benefits of quitting social media" where I explain the many downsides to social media and since I want to practice what I preach, I decided to quit that social media platform as well.

The main reason for my decision probably is that I was already banned 3 times there and now some admin threatened to ban me permanently and before that happens I decided to leave by myself instead. I'm tired of being censored and harassed, even though I contribute so much stuff for free. The fact that I'm one of the biggest contributors to open source game art and gaming does not seem to matter at all to them, which makes them kinda hypocritical, as they are supposedly for promoting open source games, but in reality they are just sabotaging it through their incompetence and inaction. I also think it is kind of a failed concept, as I explained in this blog post "Why most open source game art is useless". To my research the open source content is probably mostly used for proprietary mobile games, as this is an easy way to make money. I started looking into it as some guy explained to me how he makes six figures income per year, with producing cheap mobile games, full of microtransactions. Sure this is allowed with open source content, but I would reconsider what I'm doing when I try to promote open source gaming, but end up doing the opposite. However the main problem is probably not the abuse of open source content, but the nonexistentness of the open source game development community which I wrote about in my blog post "My experiences with the nonexistent open source game development community" But I don't want to get into more detail about the problems of the open source scenes here, as those are very complex and I don't really have a solution for all, I just try to solve things step by step.

So back to Opengameart:

Initially I got onto the platform to get useful game art, meet other developers for collaboration and for promoting my projects, but somehow it turned out, that the content is mostly useless, other developers don't exist and promotion there has basically no effect.

It seems they don't want me on there anway, so I will make everyone happy by leaving it behind.

I did not really know how to leave, as there is no option to delete your account or content. I could just get myself banned and leave everything as it is, but that would annoy me, to be locked out of my own account and not able to edit my own stuff or interact with anyone, which would mean, they banned me, but stole my content from me. On the other hand, if I just request for deletion of everything it will make the users unhappy, since they just want the free stuff and in the end it is kind of pointless anyway to delete open source content, since anyone could just host it again and therefore also steal it from me. Yes I'm aware that open source content cannot really be stolen, it is meant metaphorically and strictly legally speaking, at least in germany you are always the copyright holder and cannot be separated from your work or your rights on your work, open sourcing it, is just a promise to not make use of your copyright. To make it short, I at least want the right to distribute my own content. Finally I thought the best solution is to just make an archive out of all content I ever released on Opengameart and offer that for download, so whether my content gets deleted it will still be accessible and if it stays online, it will be much easier to just download the archive and get everything at once, plus it will be easier to use, as everything is already unpacked, sorted and updated.

So here is the download link to it:



Seems some admin discovered this article and instantly banned me on their website for it.
Initially I did not want to have drama on my website, but as they censor my complaints and keep messing with me, I have to write it down here, it gives me at least a little feeling of justice.

Blog Reference: