Uebergame released

Uebergame goes on with a new fancy version.

​Download in Uebergame section: http://duion.com/games/uebergame/main

New features:

-Fancy 3D realtime main menu background system

-6 Different 3D main menu backgrounds so far

-Background music tracks for each main menu and loading screen

-TG_DesertRuins and TG_Fields have some new vegatation models

-Lots of new vegetation models and terrain textures for the editor

-Credits menu that lists names of all content creators

-Visual Developer-Tools Gui to launch the developer tools from

-Editor template system, to help newbies getting started with level editing

-6 Different empty level templates 3x empty levels and 3x with a terrain

-Fixed bug where players ended up on the same team in deathmatch mode

-Removed some not so nice animations for weapons

-New iron sight aiming and scope zooming system that works more flawless and fixes some bugs related to that

-Slight balancing changes to weapons

-And as always several minor adjustments and fixes I forgot or are not worth mentioning

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