
Do not join the free software movement

This is kind of a follow up to my last blog post, but with a more specific example, I had lots of experience with myself.

Most people probably never considered to join that movement anyway, since they are not for free or open source software, but this advice is for people that are for free and open source software and understand why you should be for it.

Never join groups if you want to be free

This is another important life lesson I have learned. I'm not sure yet if it is a universal rule and one should absolutely never join groups or if it just should be a general guideline that one should be skeptic of the groups and joining them sometimes is justified. After many experiences of that kind I tend to think it is some kind of universal rule and absolute statements sound better anyway.

Opengameart gives bad customer service

Well quitting Opengameart turned out to be much more complicated than I thought. I hardly ever experienced so much back-stabbing and dishonest behavior. Initially I wanted to go through all lies and correct them, but I thought I keep it short instead, since the fact, that they constantly have to censor me should be proof enough, that their version does not hold water and I don't really care about that drama, I just wanted to leave, but they would not let me.
