
Links Section Opened

The Link Section will contain useful or interesting links of all kinds that are collected over time.

At the moment I have made a small collection of the tools I use for game and art development. The collection is not random, I try to sort out the good stuff and post it.

Games Section

Just want to make a quick introduction to the Games-Section.

We also like to play and organize games, under the games-tab you will find information about this. There you can find what we play and some further instructions, like guides.

I always liked computer games, but also got bored quickly of just consuming them, the most fun for me was always to define own rules, modding the games, creating own content and so on and this part of this site will be dedicated to these activities.

Communication Section Opened

The communication-section will contain everything related to communication.

I have added some pages with guidelines and instructions for our mumble-server, I think this should answer most questions.

So far we have a mumble server in this category and a forum is planned, maybe there will be other services in the future.
