
Uebergame released

Uebergame brings a complete redesign of the game mechanics and lots of new features.

It is the biggest update so far and involves a complete restructuring of the game's code, which is the reason it took so long, especially since a lot of testing was needed to get it halfway stable.

There are so many changes, that the list would be too long, so I only list the big major changes.

You can download it as always at the downloads section.


Huge update for texture photos

Almost 1000 new texture photos added, 853 to be accurate, but in total well over 3000 now.

Normally I don't post updates on new content in the art section, ony for big changes like this time.

They are all from my archive from which I was too lazy to sort out and upload so far. I'm still far behind my schedule, but priority is the work on Uebergame.

So check them out, if you want and did not notice already:

Uebergame released

After a bit of delay version is finally out.

It brings a new game-mode: Paintball Deathmatch, which is instagib gameplay, since one hit "kills" the opponent, so be careful. It can be played on the already existing maps, if you want to play it look out for servers that run it.

Uebergame released

Since the initial release turned out to have a bunch of issues here and there I hurried to bring out a hotfix update to fix some of them and also add some new content for more variation.


-New level variations added: Dawn, night and rain versions for TG_BuildingSite, TG_DirtPit and TG_Fields for a total of 9 new different weather settings.

-Some bugfixes that should make servers a bit more stable.

-Default settings changed to better values for new players.

-Settings in server options now save.

Uebergame now available on Steam

Finally I found some time to get the steam release ready, you can download and play Uebergame now through Steam.

Steam store page:

My goal is to provide a community project based on Torque3D and I chose Steam to be able to reach a wider audience.
Now I got all the work needed for the release process done and finally it is released.

Uebergame has now been greenlit.

Just a quick update: Übergame has now been greenlit by the community on steam. So thanks to all who have voted.

The release preparations can now begin. I think it will be released with the next version 0.03, so hopefully there will be a bunch of new content and some new features in that release also.

Anleitungen Abteilung eröffnet.

Die Anleitungen Abteilung wird einfache Anleitungen enthalten wie man bestimmte Dinge tut.

Ich plane ein paar Anleitungsserien zu machen über Themen wie Kunst und Spieledesign, diese werden dort zu finden sein. Aber ich werde auch Anleitungen zu anderen Themen, über die ich stolpere, dort hinzufügen, wenn ich denke sie sind es wert.

Uebergame version 0.02 released.

Wollte nur mitteilen, dass die nächste Version von Übergame fertig ist.

Wie immer könnt ihr es in der Games Abteilung kriegen.

Für Screenshots und andere Updates könnt ihr die moddb Seite besuchen.

Die meiste Entwicklungszeit ging diesmal in die Fehlerbehebung und Linux Support, es sind noch ein paar Probleme übrig aber es läuft erstmal.

There are official IRC channels for now.

Wollte nur mal unsere offiziellen IRC Kanäle ankündigen, dort könnt ihr hingehen wenn ihr Fragen oder Vorschläge zu Seitenbezogenen Themen habt, oder nur chatten wollt. Es ist auch gedacht als Ort wo ihr andere Leute finded zum Übergame spielen.

Die Kanäle sind auf : und (for Deutsche)

